HUMAN. Capitalism at the root of corruption. Take-overs. Colonization through violence.
Ben & Jerry's WAS delish. Oops! !P0p!
Both sides of the brain. IT is watching us all as well, fangs dripping, dripping. Recording into $atan'$ lair, 'embedded' d.e.e.p.l.y., secretly into Mother E herself. School of hard bullshit Knox.
What is IT under the Guise of 'teaching' who what??? fact, doing to you. Breathe into that thought.
Ben ampersand Jerry's is now IT corporate.
77777 88888 99999 00000 11111 22222 33333 44444 55555 whaaaht? oh. that Grid |
Used to like the Cinnamon Bun iced cream. There was a swirl of loving ingredients, syrup, containing a blast of quality cinnamon. Just that image for a moment, put the diabetes and subjugation of the blessed cow et all or any hinky anything out of your mind for a sec. so you can stomach it. Yu...m...? Pass the Remote=Remote Viewing. Yikezwhillikikikikikikerz.
looks like dog puke to me for shame, CORPORATE |
I kept spitting them out after choking down a few of them. Threw away half the tub after choking some of it down. I had a stomach ache for days...hurts to look at this.
Stoopid, stoopid me.
A week later I still yet have been horribly ill fighting off chem+flu since the 3rd, finally shaking it now ... I hope.
Fahghet Aabaaaht ET. Have a good day. All freaking apologies.