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http://www.fairewinds.org Radiation Knows No Borders Fairwinds Fish Logo they called me blowfish. well, now I'm Dot. so fuck you too. ;) |
Something Like Kyanite Lavender
Something Like Kyanite Ampersand Lavender
But Not This:
Insert PoetryPix0 Rainbow Here
May I insert a prayer here please? food for thought.
Pix0 = ZO to the Pi
Auntie Matters Mad Hatter
'I just had too let it goe' - John Lennon
More and more, when I go outside it feels 'artificial'. Under environmental attack, the very air. The drone flew over first, make to look like an airliner, Odd, Surreal. It 'announced the ?manned? smallplane that flies over several times a day if it is bored, or just got coffee and gotta go cr@p soon...makework. Anywho.
Turnbuckle: I finally came up with that word been looking for to describe it. Artificial., like the Moon, spinning, Spinning..
Our planet is under us, right under our feet, suffering the constant agonizing rape of this rampage of becoming so over-terraformed, the atmosphere engineered and the oceans nuclearized, at this point it is heart-wrenching for that third eye to be open. Think the latest Fascist Regime that the People Did Not Vote For. Oh, which Con-tree, now?
It was certainly not always like this throughout history, don't kid yourself. What history we know is not All of it. Unknown history, now that piques the imagination, doesn't it?
Every cut through Earth with the dozers, making more roads, more, more, more, building, building, building, when carelessly and without thought of its footprint, other than Service-to-Self. The Waste Stream. Infrastructure built, based in military intention, then is allowed to be used (en$laved by) the most, for that Grind. The Grid Grind. Electricity. Work, work, work, just to pay, pay, pay and it's never enough, like a cancer that needs to be healed. The Wheel. The Ouroborous.
Work must be a Panacea. A contribution to the Collective. Not with shackles on of the mind/body/spirit/soul. Perpetrated upon Humanwomanity. You can Spin Ugly or Spin Beauty, and that is not Skin related, it is from Within.
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SpaceWeather.com Norway Phoenix Rising credit:
Solar wind is blowing around Earth faster than 600 km/s. Last night, the onrushing gas sparked auroras over Norway in the shape of a Phoenix.
aurora show over Senja, Norway, on Nov. 11th was
nothing short of magical," reports photographer Adrien Mauduit. "During one outburst of lights, this image appeared. Huge colorful pillars took the shape of a fiery bird."
to mythology, the Phoenix dies in an outburst of
colorful flame, then rises again. Indeed, the bird could return to the Arctic Circle on Nov. 12th as the solar wind continues to blow. Stay tuned. Visit Spaceweather.com Free: Aurora Alerts. |
on Compulsive Writing...and...
Archetype of the Black Hole, and the True Potential of the Utopia Humans Crave
I have no claims to be a true scholar, what I believe is mostly intuititve. So if you need cold hard facts, run in the other direction. Run, and keep running.
I know deep in my skeleton that I am not alone. Like minds are hidden everywhere, behind construction hats, ties, pant suits and purses, behind every 'role' that is played on earth to make the dough to make the bread, to make a living. What a crazy expression, Make A Living. Think about what that means for a bit. Is it not too often Double-Speak?
Feel I have always known too much, from before birth. I never gave myself a chance. Knew what 'they' had in mind. Hurts. ('smarts')
Have all this writing swirling around like a tornado above my head. It has haunted me for as long back as memory will allow. There have been times that I successfully blocked it out, separating myself from my soul, but there is always payback for suppression.
Over time learning more about how people (that are?) 'gifted' with autism spectrum and am understanding more about my father ('Savant') and me ('Stubborn and Stupid' - more like Oppositional) who had 'spectrum' and now my nephew has developed and is continuing to develop the rampage of profound autism. My nephew needs a strict detox in diet and lifestyle, but to my infinite agony, he is fed blue drinks, dragged back and forth to the Philippines without thought to the detriment of his health with the too many Required Vaccines. That poor child. He does not speak, to my knowledge. I love this kid. He is my blood. Trapped in a body that does not cooperate with his intention, nor his own soul, thus... And this is happening too often, escalating exponentially just like the Grid. HOWEVER< MY NEPHEW IS LOVED VERY MUCH. This is the Key to the Songs in the Key of...Life. Yes, Stevie, you are a Wonder.
No need for humans to act like animals. Animals are acting like us, you see. We all stand on the Earth with our feet, and then we are all electrically connected. The connection is not just in our minds or hearts, it is also in Matter. And so, it is also in Anti-Matter.
Auntie Matter. Mad Hatter.
If for example the Kali Yuga that really smart scholars and researchers and mystics focus on is real, and if the internet rumors of it that point to 2029 are also real, which I sincerely question but love the idea of, than we are now in the reset. We have been for years now. 2012. Click, click. Tic-toc.
The Re-Set is Cosmic, not in our control. Many of the wize ones, the Indigenous Cultures have this knowledge deep in thier DNA, their very cellular structure contains the keys to unlocking the knowledge of human origins. DNA is not locked in matter, it is also locked in anti-matter, as a matter of course. DNA is also SPIRITUAL and Cannot Be Destroyed, no matter how hard evil may try.
It may appear that Humanwomanity is being destroyed by Big Business and Corporate and Government Control, but it is a myth, that they dream up to fulfill it's own prophesy.
'When are we gonna get these Billionaires to do our Bidding.' No? Know? As brilliant as that lic is in Aesop Rock's song..where is that now, oh, the specs, the crayolaz, hold on please...
Aesop Rock & TOBACCO are Malibu Ken - Corn Maze (Official Video)
6.5K 95 Share
Published on Dec 18, 2018
That plays into their game? You can't fight fire with fire, that is silly? It does not work? It only works in desperation. It need not continue.
The madness could stop at any instant. The keys reside in the Collective Mind. Not the Hive Mind, the Collective Spirit. We don't have to be all alike to achieve this, the more diversity the better.
It's up to us ALL.
True history, not the crap we find too often in Text books. No matter how they try to Genocide the truth, it is always there, the knowledge can not be destroyed no matter now they may continue to try through evil and destructive means. What 'They' can do is create fear through terror, which is basically Slipping Humanwomanity as a Whole The Mickey. Messing us all up with bad emotion in a LAME ATTEMPT to subjugate and supress the collective mind, and with all the pain is all the joy, for example the idea of All The Beauty In This Whole Life. (please allow this stream of thought) Oppression, there is no better word to describe what has happened to Humanwomanity for as far back as we are ordinarily (ordinary, the mundane) allowed to remember. Only the Brave may search further for true meaning in life, and I truly believe that Humaniwomanity struggles to do that through creation.
So my point is, what is a black hole? Intuitively, poetically. A Black Hole is Granny Galaxy's way of vaccuming up. Infinity? Perhaps. No? Nature's Vacuum. So where does the dirt go? It must go somewhere? Or does it truly transform into Anti-Matter? What is anti-matter anyway? Anti matter could be nothingness. But if my soul flies into the black hole, it is transformed, not eliminated. So I beg to differ.
Could we not tap into the technology that would allow us to eliminate Nukes? Yes, all is possible. All Is Possible. We could eliminate Nukes. Yup. Humaniwomanity could Most Certainly eliminate Nukes if it as One, All decided to do so. Certainly, the Potential for that Does Exist So It Does Matter.
Here, have some H20, Kyanite and Lavender. I gotta go now and clean something so I can study more MUSIC (not just listen to). To the tunes of Beethoven, who started out with hearing problems, but had the music in him by the time he continued to lose his hearing. Once the music is in you it never lets you go. And if the hearing is gone, you can still feel it ;)
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