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What is really important? Now. WTF is happening now? Respect. I try. Something like, steel this. Here's a story. |
Yippie Kayeah Mwaaaahht?!
know. have RESPECT against all Absolute Power for Women's Sovereignty and in Solidarity for any Auntie matter. Jon Oliver interviews Monica Lewinsky 3/2019 * (footnote)
something like...
~You too often get what you expect if you don't leave the past behind.
~Hope Springs Eternal.
Nobody who valued peace wanted that sh@t-head Tricky Dick Richard Nixon to become president. We The People, still demand peace, not a nature destroying fracker life, our own livesblood, our air, land, animals, earth-caring indigenous human histories/cultures, 'bed', the environment. What happens when humans keep shitting in their own beds? They get sick and may eventually die unless it gets cleaned up. We The People (I was 7/8 that year, 1968) knew the demon Nixon was yet another puppet, a corrupt, sneaky hateful, spiteful control freak, power hungry for warmongering and would perpetuate yet another war this time, the Vietnam War. We were heartsick over it, we still are, as the U.S. war machine stealing our tax contributions to our country without asking us, and using it literally against us, our very lives, for wars that were not only killing our own mostly poor young sons, (who died and made the U.S. think it's the fucking literal @sshole boss of this planet's continents?? For some powerhungry concept that this country was stolen for?? Slavery. Prison planet, that is exactly what that sh@t is. This concept is incontinent. And through the expletive crime that is 'colonization'??) Stealing is theft, and Evangelicals say Thou Must Not Steal. Actually agree heartily with that concept, most good people do that care about humanity and healing it's actual past to create a better present/future. Hey, this prose if about all humans, us, you all over the planet, even the Few F1%ucking Families if they are in fact fully human it would show, and you know who you are. This post sucks, I'm too angry still.
Abs the Fighter Abbie Hoffman Father Out Law
youtube 3/23/2019 snapshot:Abbie Hoffman on the 1968 Democratic Convention
RESIST War with Peace | Fight Fire with PeaceWater
meye 2 sense. sorry, it's my silenced ego here. his heart was in the right place...
Abbie? Dude, as a parent figure you scared me. Where were you all the time? Oh. And you absolutely did love your family deeply, but the world had to be saved, I get it. And thank you.
firstly he was not black, he was a middle class Jewish kid with an afro gifted him by Lithuanian descent, perhaps, from a small hard-working city (Worcester 'Wistah' sause) in Massachusetts. the fire in his belly burned too bright for the peaceful which wood have been me then or in any protest, like protection-mode, or not able to fight good physically, or at least thinking of those in the PEACE movement.
like no one-two punches practiced yet or ever or whathaveyou. not everybody gets raised getting the tar knocked out of em to stay in line too many times or whatever it was that the kid in him expressed. And if I were of the dark-skinned folk I would have been pissed at that time, too. They had their own movement. But more integration blossoms with time and aren't we glad, a better society for it Truthfully. Yes. I guess force was necessary.
Caring and careful are not the same thing even though they are related. But it's dangerous to pry open small minds. Risky, but sometimes intensely rewarding, like taking in stray cats and dogs.
...?The now wonderful choice of becoming more mainstream, ? freedom of DNA integration by choice ? was decades away still back then, or was it? (racial integration through love making, marriage, as opposed to slavery, subjugation or rape).?...
ahead of his time perhaps? timing off with the mouthing off. adept. skillful. so young here. built of wire, kinda amazing. (had got a bachelor's somehow sometime at Brandeis U in Waltham, MA) definitely intimidating of course. wanted to manipulate the lame Main Stream Media (MSM) right back with a voice that many voiceless could relate to in an angry young man sort of way.
Before I go further with this, for especially unprotected (by caring tribes or families) young girls my generation the sexual revolution sucked. It was yucky. Ew. You think it was fun hearing the wolf-whistles just walking down the sidewalk by cars passing by, at eight years old? It sucked and it was in fact terrifying. I learned to walk like a guy for that reason alone. Whatever. They had every right to try to break the shackles of uptight and up to 1950s style sexual repression, but that affected all of us in different ways.
Universal love? That was at the root and up in the leaves of the tree of sexual revolution. Look up.
inciting or even mention of violence -- my heart evoking/emoting the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr., now, (TRDMLKJR) et all now -- is wrong on all levels, even when protesting the abomination of abject systemic overcontrolling govern-mental (look up Latin root of the words Govern Ment = Control Mind) we may interpret that in different ways, yes? With their pet militarized forces. not everyone is equipped or should be involved in violence during protest of same forces.
Sorry, Abs, but all I wanted to do was make your crowds proud. Not an easy feat? Near impossible, kid.
Wildflowers inserted into guns? Absolutely. Now THAT is courage in my book. (`ma = 'but' in Italian) Ma, to even hint at his role with the Yippies or whatever it wuz, was additional threat to the unseen abject evil of the police or armed forces. Witch was good or bad? time and good things on both sides of each rainbow spectrum of peoples protesting which was the Right thing to do against War and Force. This was fueled by our collective shame and anguish at hurting others to steal their resources. At that wartime, the U.S. aggression as psychotically bent to steal resources against Viet Nam. Abbie. Came to find out he was more than a great man of history, too late.
more on Yippies:
International Times
The Newspaper of Resistance
Yippie Yippie! Pie Aye! Pie Pie Pie Days!
Aron Kay (Yippie Pie Thrower)
Abbie Hoffman -Wake Up Amerika-Steal This Facebook
The Youth International Party
Timeline created by adem132
In History
The Newberry
Chicago's Independent Research Library Since 1887
Yippie-topia: The Youth International Party at the 1968 Democratic National Convention
Posted on August 29, 2016
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Youth International Party: YIPPIE flag |
Signs and Symbols of Cults, Gangs and Secret Societies
Fecebook | https://www.facebook.com/Youth-International-Party-YIPPIE-109347439099310/
Anand Giridharadas: College Bribery Scandal Highlights How America Is Rigged for Wealthy & Powerful
Brought to us by Democracy Now! @ https://www.democracynow.org/2019/3/15/anand_giridharadas_college_bribery_scandal_highlights
Summary of Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World by Anand Giridharadas: Conversation Starters | https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/summary-of-winners-take-all-paul-adams-bookhabits/1129552539;jsessionid=8836B25609D37F8303EA4F57F50BA925.prodny_store01-atgap17?ean=9780464830382
Reading that just makes the tears roll down, I can barely stomach it still to this day.
Abbie looks a bit of a thing here, but he was a power pack, don't be fooled. He is the one in many videos picking up that damned to hell tear gas bomb and throwing it back at the poor (controlled by then Chicago Mayor Daley) cops that awful day, the Chicago Democratic Convention in Chicago, USA back in 1968. I am sure of it. But in my humble opinion, and everyone has em, Abbie Hoffman should have been in a separate ring. who the fuck am I to judge him? nobody important, just his former may not have become ex-daughter-in-law back in the 1980s except for the set-up of Malevolent Forces, the Acronymonious...and the fact that my gut told me to never bear children of my own. Still to this day does not give me the right to write about him unless it's right? I dunno.
I respect his power and his memory with most of my heart, the rest is indignant Woman peacenik.
I was ... 7? that year...
another 3/24/2019 youtube video stat snapshot:
Public Shaming: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)another 3/24/2019 youtube video stat snapshot:
Published on Mar 17, 2019
John Oliver talks about the power of public shaming, good and bad.
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When the Foo Sh@ts? ;) I didn't even know we were underground Jews until this month, dawned on me, Bino Nanni's business was top secret, and he did not tell us a thing, so in my tiny bell bottoms, I hated my own guts from the get go breech. 1960s. We were hiding in plain site, pizza style, but part of the worst of the Forces. NO NUKES!!! Maye we rid ourselves of the deadly scourge before we are dead (all life on earth) I didn't ask for this either, was born into it. photo credit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maus |
* (footnote)
Thank you, painfully, but this video changed my life, woke me up...to my own ongoing nightmare of underground public shaming...but it was diff for me of course: underground. Thankful I survived but it still distorted me, fighting the hating myself I was so good at, even more every step I took for decades. It's been 30 years. I am on a path of self-sabotage once again, breaking my own and the love of my life's hearts, losing every thing, through yet THE LAST live in or any close relationship, another failed relationship now, yet again. Tried to be ugly so be forgotten somehow but it did not work, yet again.
Mind control by evil undermining forces never helped the good forces that tried to teach me how 'wrong' they all judged without knowing the facts, what I had done. I was just taking the fall, to protect both of our families, and especially the set up of my husband. All in the past now. But I'll never live it down apparently.
And I can't stomach the Clinton Warmongering Haiti thieving Corrupt former Clinton Foundation empire including Chelsea one more second. How are the poor surviving in Haiti these days? Did they really get help? No. They were used for political gain.
But you ... as a real person Monica?
Didn't give a shit at the time, but was totally disgusted, didn't want the kids to hear the stoopid news, especially at the media circus show theater whatever already. A$$holes.
But Monica? Well, you did okay for yourself after all, and we 'boughie' girls (I'm a former princess) always had food/shelter/clothing, yes? With all due re$pect, nice do. It hides your pretty face from the side good.
sometimes cookies hurt your teeth. you were a baby, you poor thing what you went through. Sorry for the hassle you had, and especially for yerz, that hurts the most don't it? When they go after your loved ones or your heroes. You worked in the Mouth of the Shark. We all live there but it is a much worse hell with not 'happy endings', yes, it didn't or won't ever end for you, but you are not living in war-torn poverty stricken neighborhoods either, I never had to endure that either. So I can't speak from it, just be sickened by politics and society because of it. For the economically and/or racially subjugated, there is no Jon Oliver interview. You didn't know they were setting you up to take the fall for his shit-faced abnegation of his role with you, he was your senior for 'God's' (goodness') sake...your boss, that time's puppet of the U.S.
So sorry for your ongoing loss, Monica. You look well (and well-healed.) You are not alone. Best of luck to you and all.
P.S. I love my memories of the Hoffmans and of Abbie's generous heart memory. I only met him a handful of times, but he was an elephant in the room. With all my forever broken heart healed by the truth and with universal Love, from Liza, a.k.a. Frieda, a.k.a. Pandora ., a.k.a. Adaline Incredulous .