Peace - Nothing Else Makes Sense and Justice - Nothing Else Matters

Peace - Nothing Else Makes Sense and Justice - Nothing Else Matters
Dilution is NOT the solution to radioactive pollution: THAT is delusion. NO and NO.KNOW.NO! NUKES PLEASE: Drawing light on the Beauty of Diversity ~ Taking every last and first thing literally figurativelly through the eyes of MzDiagnosed Autism Spectrum erroneously viciously forced by lockdown that 70s style to take the Deadly Rx T-Rex thus given the Manic Depressive Bipolar it's a syndrome folks no joke. Seaing everything personally symbolically synchronicitealeafly...and No More Freaking Frack Freaks!!! ∃volv∃ is Lov∃ Spwelled Backwards

Response to Augureye blogpost Apophis Will Fix Everything, 8/23/2021

I was writing a comment to your latest post Chautauqua.  And it got lengthy. So here it is.

Augureye Express -
Apophis will fix Everything
TEOLAWKI  The end of Life as we know it

Apophis, image credit

Some of Apophis' friends:
Asteroid twice as big as Empire State Building to fly by Earth in Sept.
The 774-meter asteroid will fly past the Earth at a closer distance than the Moon.

10 Current Trends of Operation Coronavirus as of August 2021
August 20, 2021, By Makia Freeman, The Freedom Articles

Famous Author Freddy Silva Details Experience Inside Crop Circle
Book: Secrets in the Field
the science and mysticism of crop circles

Book: The Divine Blueprint
temples, power places and the global plan to shape the human soul

It seems that vaccinated people are becoming more likely to get sick - and they can pass it to others, but of course MSM is reporting it spinning it the opposite way, they ignore that and demonize those that choose not to vaccinate (clump us in with morons like Taylor Green and the Q crowd) when in reality and ironically the unvaccinated are probably now less likely to spread the covid than the vaccinated.  Sh*t just keeps getting thicker.

Set spearing the snake Apep, or Apophis
(Egyptian Museum, Cairo)

by an unknown workman
And yes, I agree we will go through absolute exponential mayhem.  If we didn't have enough man-made insanity plotting against us, the Sun himself is planning a killshot as well.  Most will die.  Many may kill each other for resources especially in highly populated areas because that is what they do now, having been generationally forced into poverty.  Nothing new there, just escalated beyond anything we have witnessed in this go-round of humanity.  But after the majority of us die off, there will, as there always have been throughout the eons, be survivors.

But...I call bullshit.  I have to say that this notion of all of us turning on each other during and after the upcoming major crises is yet more mind control.  Even the crises that are rolling out now in waves, beyond anything any of us have witnessed, which will culminate in the total collapse of 'civilization', that us 'unwashed masses of useless eaters' (-Kissinger) are going to turn on each other and kill each other for food...bullshit.  That is what THEY want us to think.  For hundreds if not thousands of years THEY are gearing us to fear each other and gain more control over us, hence this plandemic as the latest demolisher of sovereign and civil rights with it's tighter grip of totalitarian GLOBAL control.  Divide and conquer.  Slavery.  Economic/medical subjugation.  Zombie and all violence on TV, movies.  Hollyweird.  War.  Capitalism, greed and competition.

The sun god Ra, in the form of Great Cat,
slays the snake Apep
Bullshit.  People have an innate instinct to band together to survive.  Our intuitions have been ossified by this horrendous control.  It will be lifted.  Many will die of shock just from that lifting of control.  It will take time but we will continue to survive in one form or another.  And if all else fails, our souls are of course, eternal.  The electric grid has us in it's pernicious grasp.  When that goes down a blinding cognitive rubberband choking off our innate abilities will snap off.  We will once again be re-connected to Earth.  Survivors will get over the shock and get busy with survival.  Very busy.

There is of course the fact that all nuclear power plants will melt down.  Something tells me this will not be allowed by universal law.  Yes, alien confederations.  The good ones.  The destruction of this planet would have disastrous reverberations across the galaxy and will not be allowed.  They have hinted this to us since the bombs were dropped in Japan - the deactivation of nuclear warheads in space by UFO's.  Just my gut feeling, or maybe just wishful thinking.  And I know, why haven't they prevented the bombs already dropped, the testing, Chernobyl and FukushimaI do not know.

I have been thinking of responding to your latest blog post, Chaut, as you can see.  Now I don't know much about Russell Brand because I didn't care for his comedy back in the day, and for some reason I always thought he was a shill but my partner put a video of his on this morning and I listened with open mind.  Yes, he's still weird and makes money off this stuff, but he cited great thinkers throughout his video and mentioned this very subject.  Synchronicity that I needed, perfect timing:

Covid POWER GRAB: Your Freedoms Gone FOREVER?!! | Russell Brand
Starting at the 14:13 minute of the video, 'Some politicians play to fears that during times of disaster people will descend into a chaotic mess.  Yet, the overwhelming scientific and historical evidence contradicts this pessimistic view of humanity.'

'Scholars in disaster risk management have now debunked the idea of mass citizen panic as a myth that rarely occurs.'

'As Rebecca Solnit in 'A Paradise Built in Hell' and Rutger Bregman in 'Humankind' have documented, communities tend to display altruism and self-organisation in times of catastrophe.'

Luke Kemp = research associate at the Centre for the study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge.  Source:  BBC Future

Does Human 'Civilization' Deserve to Survive?
Snordster |
Snordster is an absolute master and this video inspired me to go watch Michael Jackson videos for the first time.

Disturbed - Land Of Confusion

Ellis Taylor, Howlin' at the Moon
Ellis has been Howlin' about lockdown and mandated vaccine injustices of late.

In both of these following excellent videos TomMontalk mentions the future, like humanity in a hundred years for example.  Humanity's future does seem like such an odd concept. 

Scalar Physics: Introduction (Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism)

Synchronicity: The Meaning and Quantum Origins of Seven Types of Synchronicities

Vermont Tree Frog

more mastery by prolific writer Freefall

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.
- Alice Walker

Tom Morello "Driving To Texas" (feat. Phantogram)
TIWINAKU The intuition will initiate new all knowing universality 

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