Peace - Nothing Else Makes Sense and Justice - Nothing Else Matters

Peace - Nothing Else Makes Sense and Justice - Nothing Else Matters
Dilution is NOT the solution to radioactive pollution: THAT is delusion. NO and NO.KNOW.NO! NUKES PLEASE: Drawing light on the Beauty of Diversity ~ Taking every last and first thing literally figurativelly through the eyes of MzDiagnosed Autism Spectrum erroneously viciously forced by lockdown that 70s style to take the Deadly Rx T-Rex thus given the Manic Depressive Bipolar it's a syndrome folks no joke. Seaing everything personally symbolically synchronicitealeafly...and No More Freaking Frack Freaks!!! ∃volv∃ is Lov∃ Spwelled Backwards

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Saturn conjunct Pluto 2020 Vision the Great Awakening Gets Real by Kit Walker

Infinite Genius
revelation of the obvious
Saturn conjunct Pluto: 2020 Vision: the Great Awakening Gets Real
October 12, 2019
by Kit Walker

Wow.  "What you resist, persists."  - Kit Walker  I am profoundly moved.  Crave this kind of reading.  Spiritual brain, truther and scholar, musician and ... astrologer.  You have an amazing mind and kind heart, Mr. Walker.

Kit's post deserves to be re-read, and shared, even if one is not into astrology.  Next year indeed has this profound astrological, hundreds-years event with Saturn conjunct Pluto becoming exact, or 'culminating'.  Yes humanity needs aught 20/20 vision as painful as it is the only way we can begin to get beyond this insanity, this 'toxic overlay.'  Nice distinction.  Grateful Kit shares with us hope!

Through such a 're-birth' could finally come relinquishment of the hold on us. 

Ellis Taylor,
Ellis Taylor also writes an excellent blog.  He recommended this video, youtuber Osher Astro Finance who shared more on next year's astrology and here are highlights:

January 13th :  Pluto * Saturn 22 ~ Capricorn
March 22nd  :  Saturn ~ Aquarius
March 29th   :  Nov 11th : Jupiter * Pluto  ~ Capricorn
May 5th        :  North node ~ Gemini
Dec 17th       :  Saturn ~ reenter Capricorn

Agreed 20/20 is going to be a pivotal year. 

Folks my age get to have a real 'special' second Saturn return this year which (for me) culminates in March, a few months after this Saturn/Pluto conjunction.  (? yikes :)  Thankfully Saturn will be going into Aquarius soon after.  Ah, life in chaos but on the cusp of the age of...Aquarius...

Just before reading Kit's post, found the story of MK Ultra survivor Cisco Wheeler referenced through  Yet another example of the wrought unconscionable that people should never have to suffer.  In the last decade came to suspect I may be another MK Ultra victim (learning about it was a trigger) but realise now that what I went through was extremely mild compared to that.  Thankful for once for my genetics.  May they have blessings and relief.  My sanity was attacked in the guise of 'help' from a young age by the system that ganged up.   But with luck and fortitude, and for the love of my excellent friend J, still alive and kicking.  Recluse as always yes, and grateful to still be alive, it's all good.

Reluctant but compelled to add agreement with many that as things are positioned by said evil para$ite$ (powers that be) so precarious at this point, the U.S. and the world is likely to see some drastic and quite possibly ugly changes very soon.  Too many of the unawake and at least mentally unprepared survivors will likely be in absolute panic in the chaos.  Will 'zombies' of sorts (obnoxious term) suddenly displaced and roaming the streets desperate thieve the simplest of resources?   Hopefully most of us will rise and wise up, look after ourselves and each other how we do after natural disasters.  

Good must ultimately come from a societal purge ...

David Mauriello, paleoentologist and Diamond (in the rough) 'BOOM!' 'just a dab will do ya' with Oppenheimer Ranch Project shares his esteemed research with.  Smart and funny:

milky way, with galactic center, nasa
There are these overarching cosmic possibilities in play, such as a pole shift (CIA suppressed) which we are in the beginnings of.  Suspicious0bserver youtube channel has some excellent videos on this.  (Struggle to wrap my head around his work - mainly just get the gist.)  Our sun's cycles has much to do with (any past, and) this imminent pole shift.  Here a link on this blog to a video of theirs (scientist Ben Davidson)  Another excellent video:  COSMIC DISASTER | CIA: Classified 

Magnetic Reversal | Accelerations and Timing, Dec 19, 2019, Suspicious0bservers

There is also in my humble opinion the very real possibility of our binary sun and it's planetary system coming to visit us again through it's thousands-years shared orbit with Earth's sun.  (Nibiru, aka Nemesis, Wormwood, Hercolubus)  (yet more knowledge suppression)   A sillier post on Nibiru on my other blog,  My online profiles are both Pandora here, and Adaline there, even Vermont somewhere else, and yes that is me commenting at the end of the post.  Yeah, it's a bad habit, commenting on my own blogs, and comes from testing websites back in the day.  But it's fun.  Living reclusive is innate, choice, compulsion, but is not conducive to having lots of viewers, nor do I promote my blogs much, as half the time I get embarrassed of my writing to be frank, it's very Gemini, keyword 'I think'.  Stigma?  Oh, yeah, and that illness.  I understand. 
The Great Year, May 4, 2016, BinaryResearchInst,

Humanity has a lot going on!
Ironic the Sabian Symbol for 23' Capricorn is about war, dual awards for.  (we go to the next degree for the Sabians) reference courtesy The Straight Woo

KEYNOTE: The reward offered by society for the fulfillment of individual responsibility.

The fact that “two” awards are emphasized makes us believe that this may refer subtly to the recognition by the community that, whether he succeeded or failed, an individual who discharged his duty nobly under unusual circumstances is entitled to the respect and appreciation of the collectivity he served so well. What is implied here is a constant give-and-take between society and the individual person. Each one should be able to trust the other.

This third symbol of the fifty-ninth five-fold sequence extracts, as it were, a common element from the two preceding scenes. The Keyword here is RECOMPENSE, i.e. a compensation for a well-done performance — a balancing of accounts.

The Sabian Symbols are kind of fun and artwork associated with them can be beautiful, despite how sometimes offensively out-dated they are, the two awards can be seen as symbolic of the two planets, Saturn and Pluto?   The number 23 has it's own meanings

< Mad In America
[{(Yet another psychiatric survivor here battling lifelong anxiety and mental health issues sometimes exacerbated with at first not, then knowing and seeking out more on how dire humanity's situation truly is even beyond the mainstream news lies.  

Having recently found at least a (surprising) layer of relief from that relentless anxiety, am back to finding gratitude, joy in the simplest of things and feeling less fear of the possible ramifications of a coming collapse of this era of humanity.)}]  

May today's Winter Solstice bless us all, and here's cheers wishing huwomanity luck.  Thanks again for your inspiring work, Kit Walker.  Best of luck to you and yours, and to us all.

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