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some musical medicine to honor Free Leonard Peltier |
The True American Eagle
2019.02.05. Free Leonard Peltier proven by law an innocent falsely accused man, an Elder Chief Wrongly Incarcerated by the U.S. '"Justice"' System for This Man's LifePlease Free Leonard Peltier it is both always and never too late for the U.S. Government to try to make reparations...whenever and wherever they can...with Leonard's case in the lead of a healing time. It will never be too late. No matter what.
Lakota Voices - Arlette Loud Hawk: Part 1
2/9/2019 youtube video snapshot
Published on Feb 29, 2008
Lakota Voices - Arlette Loud Hawk: Part 2
2/9/2019 youtube video snapshot
Published on Mar 1, 2008
Please visit American Indian Movement to Write to Leonard at: http://www.aimovement.org/peltier/index.html
Yes, this text is Ripped Off: Copied from this AIM site Tuesday 2/5/2019 so please check their site for their latest information:::::::
Please visit this link and consider Writing to Leonard at:
"Leonard Peltier
USP Coleman 1
US Penitentary
P.O. Box 1033
Coleman, FL 33521
Leonard can only receive letters, cards, postcards, photos, (not polaroid), and postal money orders
for his commissary account. He responds to all his mail.
youtube video snapshot 2/5/2019 (// no...//):
Sacrifice -Robbie Robertson
Amnesty International:
Leonard Peltier, an Anishinabe-Lakota Native American who convicted of murder has always maintained his innocence.
Please visit this web page, because this all is more stolen text:
...//"Today, Mr. Peltier, Leonard is in his early seventies and suffers from diabetes, and was recently diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Amnesty understands that he is not eligible for consideration for parole again until 2024. Given that all available legal remedies have been exhausted and that that Leonard Peltier has now spent over 40 years in prison and is in poor health, Amnesty believes that the US authorities should order Leonard Peltier’s release from prison on humanitarian grounds and in the interests of justice.
Amnesty International has studied his case extensively over many years and remains seriously concerned about the fairness of proceedings leading to his trial and conviction. Amnesty believes that political factors may have influenced the way in which the case was prosecuted."//...
1999 PBS documentary with Robbie Robertson "Making A Noise: A Native American Musical Journey" youtube search:
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I am Ashamed to be American when I think of this Great Man's body, but not Spirit Still Incarcerated I just don't want to be ashamed of the country that is home |
His freedom from him Stolen. Gahd So Wrongfully, Unlawfully this man kept in prison from the beginning of his incarceration too long ago four decades, or more now?...
makes me want to chew on broken glass it's so wrong.
ok, you know I don't want any one of the three or four hits per day that are perhaps real human web visits and not web bots,,,to chew on any glass, ok? I am just reacting to this horribly painful situation, symbolic of too many people who are in fact innocent and incarcerated unfairly based on the Crime of RACISM. But Mr. Peltier is special. He has always been a unique Great Warrior, a Great Spiritual Warrior Chief. His medicine was Stolen by a More Corrupt, Ancient even Evil Faction of a system that enslaves All. So his medicine is even stronger despite the terrible wrongful incarceration.
But Leonard Peltier's medicine is transformed by his exemplary life. I say this with unfathomable respect for this Man. He is universally loved deeply. May his spirit continue to soar above where his body is incarcerated Unlawfully. He absolutely MUST and Should be Freed. It would be excellent for the Federal Government that is Incarcerating Him to Grant him what he legally needs to convalesce out of the prison. Please, I beg of them to let this man go freed. The American Federal Goverkment made a Mistake and they CAN Repair IT, please.