Peace - Nothing Else Makes Sense and Justice - Nothing Else Matters

Peace - Nothing Else Makes Sense and Justice - Nothing Else Matters
Dilution is NOT the solution to radioactive pollution: THAT is delusion. NO and NO.KNOW.NO! NUKES PLEASE: Drawing light on the Beauty of Diversity ~ Taking every last and first thing literally figurativelly through the eyes of MzDiagnosed Autism Spectrum erroneously viciously forced by lockdown that 70s style to take the Deadly Rx T-Rex thus given the Manic Depressive Bipolar it's a syndrome folks no joke. Seaing everything personally symbolically synchronicitealeafly...and No More Freaking Frack Freaks!!! ∃volv∃ is Lov∃ Spwelled Backwards

Saturday, July 18, 2015

On Survival of the Hippest: the Best Intended

Renew, Reuse, Recycle...Save this Planet
Pluto is a Planet, Dangit, and everybody knowzit...right?...of course they are trying to categorically de-planet the blessed 'planet the 'solar system we 'inhabit that symbolizes:::::

Rooting Out Corruption and Bringing It to Light and Healing...

Long live goode humans...and Gaia, may she heale...

Norway.Saami_Family_1900 via WikiPedia
 Anybody and everybody with even a few brain cells left are well aware of what as been/is going on, right under our noses.  Like the giant anaconda, slowly squeezing the bleeding sweating, loving life out of humankind, prices going up, up, up...skies up above getting scratched, scratched, scratched...

Only those tough enough to survive really know what in the 'heck is happening to us.  The sh*t is hitting the fan over the last several centuries till NOW.  911 is even MORE of a joke.  Hope all goode folk prepare for the best, and prepare for the worst.  The rest can die, I guess, as callous and jaded as that may sound. 

It takes a bad storm for humans to band together and create a village...but it has to stick.  FFFF.....LOSE all monetary systems, in their place go the grace of ...

Bartering, oh, the olde wayes, and please excuse my language.  I'm sick to pieces of watching in horror as our beloved spaceship Earth gets crapped all over by the few ignorant, money=grubbing humans that live for their motto (More For Us, Less For Them)

Yep, there are that 1% that still do that outdated stuff, which trickles down like infected blood to the rest of us trying to make stupid ignorant money driven's not our faults, most people want to be goodly...

Folks that are goode are catching on...MOST people are at least becoming AWARE... more than not...

process aided by Eons and Astronomy...

The Big U Turn...

The potential exists for this proverbial sh*t to go both ways...

The Earth is one big Organism, a blue green jewel, Unique, hanging with the rest of the: UNIVERSE 1 Organism

'Nuff said for now...take care as usual...and be painful as that may be sometimes...

Get out the old sock and awe...

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