Leonard Peltier‘s “Day of Mourning statement♥️
reprinted from International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee facebook
“Greetings Relatives,
year as November nears I try to think back on all that has happened in
my world in the past 12 months. And I know that in my world I can only
see a very small part of what is happening on the outside. For me, this
year somehow seems to carry more weight than usual.
I have passed
ever so slowly into the world of the elderly. I am now closer to 80 than
to 70. The truth is I never believed I would live this long. I was just
passed 31 old when I came to prison. It was almost half a century ago.
My body is now the body of an old man. And it is harder to try to keep
myself from being overtaken by sickness or depression or loneliness.
They are constant companions here. I keep them at arms length and I know
I cannot ever let them overtake me. If I allow that to happen it will
be the end. There is no mercy here. No compassion.
I cannot even imagine what it is like on the outside. I only hear stories and cannot believe half of what I hear.
me, the best days here at USP Coleman 1 in Florida were the days when
we could be outside in the yard and feel the sun. Even though they
purposely built the walls so high that we cannot even see the treetops,
the occasional bird or butterfly gives a welcome glimpse of our
relatives in the natural world, but even that is very rare now.
know Covid has cost all of us, you and me, in many ways. And I offer my
condolences for all of you who have lost loved ones and friends to it.
inside the steel and concrete walls it is no different. Constant lock
downs caused by both Covid and Violence have made life here even harder
than usual. I have not been allowed to paint in eighteen months and we
are almost always in some form of lockdown.
We are stuck in our cells for days at a time. It is an extremely rare day when we get to go outside to the yard.
feel moved to try to explains something that has been on my mind for
many years. I think maybe it will be helpful if I say the words out
When we started to emerge from the darkness of Residential
schools it became clear that we had to go back to try and reclaim what
they robbed from us.
And what they robbed us of was the very
heart of who we were. Our language, our ways and our connections back
home. They wanted us leaving those “schools” thinking like little
non-indians who would just go along with the program and not rock the
boat. Even with all the terrible damage they did to so many of us, many
of us did survive them. And then we began the process of reclaiming our
culture and way of life. I know that process continues to this day.
am so deeply saddened in hearing the stories of all the children’s
graves they are finding at Residential schools. I guess I was one of the
lucky ones who made it home. But the death of those children is so sad
and outrageous and I am glad the world is finding out at last.
then even our home at Turtle Mountain was under threat of Government
termination. I remember how hard my Dad who was a World War II veteran
fought to save us.
Over the years we fought so many fights to keep our way of life alive and protect the natural world.
our family was relocated to Portland, Oregon I took part in the fishing
struggles with Billy Frank and his Nisqually people at Frank’s Landing.
The rednecks were cutting up their nets and attacking both woman and
men who just wanted to continue to fish as their ancestors did.
when they shot Hank Adams it was a very dark time and outraged all of
us but we stood strong to protect the Nisqully people. I will always be
proud of that.
There were so many outrages back then.
the land at Fort Lawton in Washington State fell into disuse we went
there and occupied it under old treaty law. That was also a hard time.
At one point soldiers were pointing flame throwers at us. But we held
our ground and eventually they gave in. We put our good friend Bernie
White Bear in charge and he helped to build the Daybreak Star Center
that is still a great asset to Indian people today. Bernie is gone now
as are so many of the others from those days.
Same thing when we
took the abandoned Coast Guard Station in Milwaukee with Herb Powless.
Our actions might have been unpopular at the time but they led to a
school, alcohol treatment center and employment office. The school is
still thriving and is an asset to the Native community and the Milwaukee
area. Herb is gone too.
So even though the price we Paid was
very very high we did make things better for our people and we did help
to turn things around.
I wonder if many people understand the
events in our history and how connected they are. I was born in 1944.
The massacre at Wounded Knee was in 1890. That was just 54 years earlier
and both Geronimo and Chief Joseph died only 35 years earlier in 1909.
Think about that. 35 years ago now it was 1986.
Not very long ago at all.
I want to leave you with some positive thoughts.
United States Attorney James Reynolds did an interview with the
Huffington Post last week and actually apologized to me for all the
wrong they did to me. I hope that is spread all over the world and I am
grateful to him.
I can say that I am heartened and encouraged by
the courageous water protectors from Standing Rock to the beautiful
manoomin (wild rice) lands of Northern Minnesota.
I am proud of
Winona LaDuke and her peoples work to protect those beautiful lands and
lakes and her work to offer alternatives to fossil fuels.
hemp could fix so many things. It is not something we can fix in a year
or ten years but it is something that all reasonable people should
We cannot poison the water that sustains us. All of
us. Not just Native and First Nations people, but all people. We have
that in common. People should understand, we are trying to protect our
homes and our natural lands. Water IS life.
And I am deeply
grateful for the courage and Vision of Deb Haaland the new Secretary of
the Interior Department. I know she went to Alcatraz this week. That is
an acknowledgment that what we did was right and honorable. I was not at
Alcatraz but those of us, woman and men who stood up in those days were
right. And in other parts of the country we formed our own branches of
United Indians of all Tribes. So their efforts led to others joining in.
heard that Deb Haaland said that the day has come when Indians no
longer have to protest to be heard by the U.S. Government. That is music
to my old ears.
Our people were, and many still are, suffering.
Anyone of any race would do the same things to stop the sufferings of their people.
wish all of you good health and happiness in all you do. You are in my
prayers and I am grateful to all of you who have supported me or will
support me going forward.
I still hold out hope that I can make it home to Turtle Mountain while I can still walk out under my own power.
I remain grateful for the gift of life.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,
Leonard Peltier”

Leonard Peltier Is America’s Longest-Serving Political Prisoner. Biden May Be His Last Hope.
FBI put the Native American activist behind bars 44 years ago based on
lies, threats and no proof he committed a crime. Why is he still there?
Huffington Post By Jennifer Bendery, November 12, 2021
An Open Letter to Biden from Indigenous Peoples
wrecked the relationship between the U.S. government and Native
nations. Here’s how the Biden Administration can repair this damage.
Rural America In These Times February 11, 2021
Citing COVID-19, Representatives Deb Haaland & Raúl Grijalva Ask Trump to Release Leonard Peltier Immediately
Leonard Peltier has been in prison for over 45 years
Native News Online, By Levi Rickert, May 12, 2020
Dear President Biden and Administration: Release Leonard Peltier
24 Native state legislators sign off on a letter to President Joe Biden requesting clemency of Leonard Peltier
By Ruth Buffalo, Oct. 29, 2021
It’s time to free Leonard Peltier, America’s longest serving political Prisoner
KCRW, Scheer Intelligence, by Robert Scheer Dec. 03, 2021
as Peltier struggles with his health at the age of 77, there is
mounting pressure for President Biden to offer the Native American
activist the presidential pardon so many of his predecessors--including
Bill Clinton--have failed to give him. This week Sen. Patrick Leahy
became the most senior U.S. government official to call for Peltier’s
release, joining hundreds of thousands of people, including Pope
Francis, Coretta Scott King, and Willie Nelson, who have expressed their
support for Peltier. Even James Reynolds, the U.S. attorney who helped
put Peltier in prison in the 1970s, appealed in a letter to Biden to
send Peltier home.“I write today from a position rare for a former
prosecutor: to beseech you to commute the sentence of a man who I helped
put behind bars,” he wrote. “With time, and the benefit of hindsight, I
have realized that the prosecution and continued incarceration of Mr.
Peltier was and is unjust. We were not able to prove that Mr. Peltier
personally committed any offense on the Pine Ridge Reservation.”
Patrick Leahy Calls For Leonard Peltier's Release From Prison
former Judiciary Committee chairman and longest-serving U.S. senator
says it's time for the Native American activist to go home after 44
Huffington Post, By Jennifer Bendery, 11/30/2021
Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), the former longtime chair of the Judiciary
Committee and the longest-serving member of the U.S. Senate, said
Tuesday that it’s time for Native American activist Leonard Peltier to
be released from federal prison and go home.
Without hesitation,
Leahy, who is currently chair of the Appropriations Committee, answered
yes to all of HuffPost’s questions about Peltier.
Do you know who Peltier is? “Yes.”
The Native American activist who’s been in prison? For decades? “Yes.”
Is it time for him to be released? “Yes.”
appears to be the first time Leahy has urged freedom for Peltier,
making him the highest-ranked official in the U.S. government calling
for his release. Leahy, who has announced he’s retiring from the Senate,
is third in the line of succession to the presidency, just after Vice
President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California).
Patrick Leahy Agrees: It's Time to Free Leonard Peltier
American Indian Movement activist—often called America's
longest-incarcerated political prisoner—has been jailed 44 years after
being dubiously convicted of murdering two FBI agents.
BRETT WILKINS, Common Dreams, December 1, 2021
Sen. Patrick Leahy has become the most senior U.S. government official
to support the release of American Indian Movement militant Leonard
Peltier, who supporters say was framed and falsely convicted of
murdering two federal agents during a 1975 reservation shootout.
International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee https://www.whoisleonardpeltier.info/
Letter from ILPDC National Director Carol Gokee & Board President Sheridan Murphy
you all for being so patient in our time of transition. The
International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee has moved to Wisconsin.
With the anticipation of Leonard's pending transfer to Oxford FCI, the
need to have the office closer to him, was necessary.
Beautiful new store for Leonard Peltier's defense: LeonardPeltier (leonardpeltierstore.com)
Clemency Plea Letter to President Biden, Attorney General Garland, Directors Carvajal and Keller:
Clemency Plea Letter to Biden from James H. Reynolds, Former U.S. Attorney
Native Lawmakers Ask President Biden to Release Leonard Peltier
Native News Online, By Darren Thompson, October 28, 2021
Compassionate Release for Leonard Peltier
Let Justice Meet Mercy
Sanford Heisler Sharp Expands Leadership Team, Promotes Five, Adds Seven Lawyers Across National Platform
Nov. 1, 2021
Sharp, the firm’s former Nashville Managing Partner and named partner
of the firm assumes the key leadership position of Co-Vice Chair of the
firm, joining Jeremy Heisler, a co-founder and Co-Vice Chair of the
firm. Sharp came to Sanford Heisler Sharp after serving as a judge on
the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee from May
2011 through April 2017, including service from 2014 to 2017 as the
court’s Chief Judge. A graduate of Vanderbilt University School of Law,
he also serves as Co-Chair of Sanford Heisler Sharp’s Public Interest
Litigation Practice. Since joining the firm Sharp has taken on
individual and class employment litigation and has led the firm’s
efforts representing cities and counties seeking damages for harm caused
by the opioid crisis. He is a national advocate for prison and
criminal justice reform, sentencing reform, and is leading the effort to
gain clemency for American Indian Movement activist, Leonard Peltier,
who has wrongfully imprisoned for 46 years.
Ex-Trump Campaign Chair Released from Prison as Lawmakers Demand Release of Leonard Peltier
Democracy Now, May 14, 2020
Artist Rigo 23 honors incarcerated Native activist Leonard Peltier with a 12-foot statue
KALW | By Jenee Darden
October 21, 2021
Mark Ruffalo calls on President Biden to pardon Native American activist
Allie Capps, Nov 24, 2021