Peace - Nothing Else Makes Sense and Justice - Nothing Else Matters

Peace - Nothing Else Makes Sense and Justice - Nothing Else Matters
Dilution is NOT the solution to radioactive pollution: THAT is delusion. NO and NO.KNOW.NO! NUKES PLEASE: Drawing light on the Beauty of Diversity ~ Taking every last and first thing literally figurativelly through the eyes of MzDiagnosed Autism Spectrum erroneously viciously forced by lockdown that 70s style to take the Deadly Rx T-Rex thus given the Manic Depressive Bipolar it's a syndrome folks no joke. Seaing everything personally symbolically synchronicitealeafly...and No More Freaking Frack Freaks!!! ∃volv∃ is Lov∃ Spwelled Backwards

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Leonard Peltier's Day of Mourning Statement and Clemency for Leonard Peltier

 Leonard Peltier‘s “Day of Mourning statement♥️ 

reprinted from International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee facebook

“Greetings Relatives,
Each year as November nears I try to think back on all that has happened in my world in the past 12 months. And I know that in my world I can only see a very small part of what is happening on the outside. For me, this year somehow seems to carry more weight than usual.

I have passed ever so slowly into the world of the elderly. I am now closer to 80 than to 70. The truth is I never believed I would live this long. I was just passed 31 old when I came to prison. It was almost half a century ago. My body is now the body of an old man. And it is harder to try to keep myself from being overtaken by sickness or depression or loneliness. They are constant companions here. I keep them at arms length and I know I cannot ever let them overtake me. If I allow that to happen it will be the end. There is no mercy here. No compassion.

I cannot even imagine what it is like on the outside. I only hear stories and cannot believe half of what I hear.

For me, the best days here at USP Coleman 1 in Florida were  the days when we could be outside in the yard and feel the sun. Even though they purposely built the walls so  high that we cannot even see the treetops, the occasional bird or butterfly gives a welcome glimpse of our relatives in the natural world, but even that is very rare now.

I know Covid has cost all of us, you and me, in many ways. And I offer my condolences for all of you who have lost loved ones and friends to it.

Here inside the steel and concrete walls it is no different. Constant lock downs caused by both Covid and Violence have made life here even harder than usual. I have not been allowed to paint in eighteen months and we are almost always in some form of lockdown.

We are stuck in our cells for days at a time. It is an extremely rare day when we get to go outside to the yard.

 I feel moved to try to explains something that has been on my mind for many years. I think maybe it will be helpful if I say the words out loud.

When we started to emerge from the darkness of Residential schools it became clear that we had to go back to try and reclaim what they robbed from us.

And what they robbed us of was the very heart of who we were. Our language, our ways and our connections back home. They wanted us leaving those “schools” thinking like little non-indians who would just go along with the program and not rock the boat. Even with all the terrible damage they did to so many of us, many of us did survive them. And then we began the process of reclaiming our culture and way of life. I know that process continues to this day.

 I am so deeply saddened in hearing the stories of all the children’s graves they are finding at Residential schools. I guess I was one of the lucky ones who made it home. But the death of those children is so sad and outrageous and I am glad the world is finding out at last.

Back then even our home at Turtle Mountain was under threat of Government termination. I remember how hard my Dad who was a World War II veteran fought to save us.

 Over the years we fought so many fights to keep our way of life alive and protect the natural world.
 After our family was relocated to Portland, Oregon I took part in the fishing struggles with Billy Frank and his Nisqually people at Frank’s Landing. The rednecks were cutting up their nets and attacking both woman and men who just wanted to continue to fish as their ancestors did.

And when they shot Hank Adams it was a very dark time and outraged all of us but we stood strong to protect the Nisqully people. I will always be proud of that.

There were so many outrages back then.

 When the land at Fort Lawton in Washington State fell into disuse we went there and occupied it under old treaty law. That was also a hard time. At one point soldiers were pointing flame throwers at us. But we held our ground and eventually they gave in. We put our good friend Bernie White Bear in charge and he helped to build the Daybreak Star Center that is still a great asset to Indian people today. Bernie is gone now as are so many of the others from those days.

Same thing when we took the abandoned Coast Guard Station in Milwaukee with Herb Powless. Our actions might have been unpopular at the time but they led to a school, alcohol treatment center and employment office. The school is still thriving and is an asset to the Native community and the Milwaukee area. Herb is gone too.

So even though the price we Paid was very very high we did make things better for our people and we did help to turn things around.

I wonder if many people understand the events in our history and how connected they are. I was born in 1944. The massacre at Wounded Knee was in 1890. That was just 54 years earlier and both Geronimo and Chief Joseph died only 35 years earlier in 1909. Think about that. 35 years ago now it was 1986.

Not very long ago at all.

I want to leave you with some positive thoughts.

Retired United States Attorney James Reynolds did an interview with the Huffington Post last week and actually apologized to me for all the wrong they did to me. I hope that is spread all over the world and I am grateful to him.

I can say that I am heartened and encouraged by the courageous water protectors from Standing Rock to the beautiful manoomin (wild rice) lands of Northern Minnesota.

I am proud of Winona LaDuke and her peoples work to protect those beautiful lands and lakes and her work to offer alternatives to fossil fuels.

Using hemp could fix so many things. It is not something we can fix in a year or ten years but it is something that all reasonable people should understand.

 We cannot poison the water that sustains us. All of us. Not just Native and First Nations people, but all people. We have that in common. People should understand, we are trying to protect our homes and our natural lands. Water IS life.

And I am deeply grateful for the courage and Vision of Deb Haaland the new Secretary of the Interior Department. I know she went to Alcatraz this week. That is an acknowledgment that what we did was right and honorable. I was not at Alcatraz but those of us, woman and men who stood up in those days were right. And in other parts of the country we formed our own branches of United Indians of all Tribes. So their efforts led to others joining in.

I heard that Deb Haaland said that the day has come when Indians no longer have to protest to be heard by the U.S. Government. That is music to my old ears.

 Our people were, and many still are, suffering.

Anyone of any race would do the same things to stop the sufferings of their people.

I wish all of you good health and happiness in all you do. You are in my prayers and I am grateful to all of you who have supported me or will support me going forward.

I still hold out hope that I can make it home to Turtle Mountain while I can still walk out under my own power.

I remain grateful for the gift of life.

In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,
Leonard Peltier”

Leonard Peltier Is America’s Longest-Serving Political Prisoner. Biden May Be His Last Hope.
The FBI put the Native American activist behind bars 44 years ago based on lies, threats and no proof he committed a crime. Why is he still there?
Huffington Post By Jennifer Bendery, November 12, 2021

An Open Letter to Biden from Indigenous Peoples
Trump wrecked the relationship between the U.S. government and Native nations. Here’s how the Biden Administration can repair this damage.
Rural America In These Times February 11, 2021

Citing COVID-19, Representatives Deb Haaland & Raúl Grijalva Ask Trump to Release Leonard Peltier Immediately
Leonard Peltier has been in prison for over 45 years
Native News Online, By Levi Rickert, May 12, 2020

Dear President Biden and Administration: Release Leonard Peltier
24 Native state legislators sign off on a letter to President Joe Biden requesting clemency of Leonard Peltier
By Ruth Buffalo, Oct. 29, 2021

It’s time to free Leonard Peltier, America’s longest serving political Prisoner
KCRW, Scheer Intelligence, by Robert Scheer Dec. 03, 2021
Now, as Peltier struggles with his health at the age of 77, there is mounting pressure for President Biden to offer the Native American activist the presidential pardon so many of his predecessors--including Bill Clinton--have failed to give him. This week Sen. Patrick Leahy became the most senior U.S. government official to call for Peltier’s release, joining hundreds of thousands of people, including Pope Francis, Coretta Scott King, and Willie Nelson, who have expressed their support for Peltier.  Even James Reynolds, the U.S. attorney who helped put Peltier in prison in the 1970s, appealed in a letter to Biden to send Peltier home.“I write today from a position rare for a former prosecutor: to beseech you to commute the sentence of a man who I helped put behind bars,” he wrote. “With time, and the benefit of hindsight, I have realized that the prosecution and continued incarceration of Mr. Peltier was and is unjust. We were not able to prove that Mr. Peltier personally committed any offense on the Pine Ridge Reservation.”

Patrick Leahy Calls For Leonard Peltier's Release From Prison
The former Judiciary Committee chairman and longest-serving U.S. senator says it's time for the Native American activist to go home after 44 years.
Huffington Post, By Jennifer Bendery, 11/30/2021
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), the former longtime chair of the Judiciary Committee and the longest-serving member of the U.S. Senate, said Tuesday that it’s time for Native American activist Leonard Peltier to be released from federal prison and go home.

Without hesitation, Leahy, who is currently chair of the Appropriations Committee, answered yes to all of HuffPost’s questions about Peltier.

Do you know who Peltier is? “Yes.”

The Native American activist who’s been in prison? For decades? “Yes.”

Is it time for him to be released? “Yes.”

It appears to be the first time Leahy has urged freedom for Peltier, making him the highest-ranked official in the U.S. government calling for his release. Leahy, who has announced he’s retiring from the Senate, is third in the line of succession to the presidency, just after Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California).

Patrick Leahy Agrees: It's Time to Free Leonard Peltier
The American Indian Movement activist—often called America's longest-incarcerated political prisoner—has been jailed 44 years after being dubiously convicted of murdering two FBI agents.
BRETT WILKINS, Common Dreams, December 1, 2021
U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy has become the most senior U.S. government official to support the release of American Indian Movement militant Leonard Peltier, who supporters say was framed and falsely convicted of murdering two federal agents during a 1975 reservation shootout.

International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
Letter from ILPDC National Director Carol Gokee & Board President Sheridan Murphy
Thank you all for being so patient in our time of transition. The International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee has moved to Wisconsin.  With the anticipation of Leonard's pending transfer to Oxford FCI, the need to have the office closer to him, was necessary.
Beautiful new store for Leonard Peltier's defense:  LeonardPeltier (

Clemency Plea Letter to President Biden, Attorney General Garland, Directors Carvajal and Keller:

Clemency Plea Letter to Biden from James H. Reynolds, Former U.S. Attorney

Native Lawmakers Ask President Biden to Release Leonard Peltier
Native News Online, By Darren Thompson, October 28, 2021

Compassionate Release for Leonard Peltier
Let Justice Meet Mercy

Sanford Heisler Sharp Expands Leadership Team, Promotes Five, Adds Seven Lawyers Across National Platform
Nov. 1, 2021
Kevin Sharp, the firm’s former Nashville Managing Partner and named partner of the firm assumes the key leadership position of Co-Vice Chair of the firm, joining Jeremy Heisler, a co-founder and Co-Vice Chair of the firm. Sharp came to Sanford Heisler Sharp after serving as a judge on the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee from May 2011 through April 2017, including service from 2014 to 2017 as the court’s Chief Judge. A graduate of Vanderbilt University School of Law, he also serves as Co-Chair of Sanford Heisler Sharp’s Public Interest Litigation Practice. Since joining the firm Sharp has taken on individual and class employment litigation and has led the firm’s efforts representing cities and counties seeking damages for harm caused by the opioid crisis. He is a national advocate for prison and criminal justice reform, sentencing reform, and is leading the effort to gain clemency for American Indian Movement activist, Leonard Peltier, who has wrongfully imprisoned for 46 years.

Ex-Trump Campaign Chair Released from Prison as Lawmakers Demand Release of Leonard Peltier
Democracy Now, May 14, 2020

Artist Rigo 23 honors incarcerated Native activist Leonard Peltier with a 12-foot statue
KALW | By Jenee Darden
October 21, 2021

Mark Ruffalo calls on President Biden to pardon Native American activist
Allie Capps, Nov 24, 2021

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Old Ghost Stories

photo credit

September 1999 

a.k.a Agatha

Last night I was out taking my mom around and food shopping. I stayed out later than expected. He (ZZZZZZZ) went down to sleep. The room we called a bedroom is in the basement of the house. The house was called the Blue Moon, named in the days when it was a vacation cottage.  It was built 1941.

He kept seeing stuff out of the corner of his eye. (that means Aggie's around)

Then he was just drifting off. Then he SAW her, in the mirror. No one (had) ever actually seen her before. I've sensed her countless times, every sober tv or radioless night, especially when I'm trying to sleep (she wakes me bolt upright) or am just falling.  (Insert sound byte of space under water.)

This room now had a beautiful view of the pond through an extra-wide slider.  He had put it in to get his bikes into the house originally. (insert sounds of big twin and sportster, and Indian chief starting up)

Her name is (was) Aggie. She used to have a bar in the hall off of this room, and they left it when they sold the place to the buyers before. (the bar is gone now, my ex-'wife' stole it) She wrote 'Aggies Bar' (with) electrical tape on the mirror. The bar was made out of wood, and the mirror had a plastic Miller sign on it, I can see it in it's absence, it's mirror reflecting the pond. Agatha looked about 50, with a 40's ear-lobe length straight bob, curly, grey. Pale complection. Baggy housecoat. She just gazed down onto the pond.

(She had no clue she was dead, from a very limited frame of reference.  In this way I see now I was just about exactly like her during all of the 20 years unliving in that last house on Alpine Road.  Wow.)

Woke him right up. He just looked at her reflection in another mirror. She was only a reflection (and) didn't look him in the eye. He was moved. 

She usually bugs you when you're alone, in that room although I commonly experienced her in the living room. Usually at night although I've sensed her once with the music full blast, lights blaring on. I should start keeping a little journal of her. She will just be there.  I suddenly wake up, open my eyes wide and can't see her but know she's right there (in my face). I keep trying to yell at her to go away but when i'm so sleepy i am not together enough. (try kindness, stupid) And she seems to show up at the new moon. I had to go to work so I couldn't ask him any more questions.

Over the years we became more aware of details of Aggie's energy.  Aggie's son stopped by a few times over the years.  Not until her daughter stopped by for a visit cause an amazing thing to happen. I never mentioned to the kids that their mother was haunting the place - it would have blown conventional minds.

We chit-chatted on the steps and it was obvious that both siblings wished they hadn't had to give up the house. During that remarkable conversation, my cat Bijoux came to me and I picked him up, then he jumped down and an abscess he had on his leg - (that I was worried about having to take him to the vet for with no money)- popped. I know, gross. It healed beautifully.  Aggie's daughter said her mom had been in a nursing home before she died, Aggie must have missed looking down onto that sad little lake/pond.

After that little visit, Aggie was suddenly and absolutely gone.  She must have had a strong connection with her daughter and realised her way to the light.  It had to be over ten years she'd been haunting the place with me, probably with the previous owner of that home for years before that since she'd died.  We never saw hide nor hair of her for the remaining 10.

I had not evolved enough spiritually to attempt to guide her to the light.  She always startled me out of sleep, and she annoyed the hell out of me as the years sifted through my hands.  Prophylactic TV on while you try to sleep night after night is poison for body and soul.  Bipolar folks should in the first place avoid having their sleep constantly disrupted to avoid aggravating symptoms, if at all possible. Darned ghost, stupid me would always wake up pissed off and tended to yell at her (abusive, not good and I am sorry).  "GO INTO THE LIGHT!" Soo glad that I finally learned to recognize my verbal abuse problem in a way to turn it around.  Soo glad it wasn't never that I finally 'got it'.  All I had to do was try to be kind.   Don't want my experience with Aggie to end any other way than with healing.

Teen Ghost of 441 Main Street

441 Main Street
When I was 8 years old we moved back to the States after a 3 year tour living in Europe.  We had lived in London, Paris and Milano.  It was 1969.  Our mother had to work full time so I looked after my younger brother, 5, after school.  We lived in an old home that was wedged between the Boston and Maine railroad tracks and Route 62.  The house didn't have bad vibes but we had terrifying dreams there.  And the basement was creepy.  My father renovated the attic and our rooms were up there.  My brother had nightmares of chains clanging up those stairs, and I had nightmares of a witch who lived under my bed.  Big green creepy hand that kept trying to grab me and pull me under into that cave that was under my bed.  I used to play in my clothset, making little packs of time capsules...

One day after school, my brother was sitting on the floor playing with toys and I was daydreaming, standing in a room looking at the stairs going to the second floor.  Suddenly a girl appeared, a teenager, wearing a 50's style sweater with a large school logo emblazoned on the front, and a wool pleated skirt that fell below her knees.  Her hair was down, shoulder length.  She was sitting against the wall in a chair that was not there.  She did not see me.  I froze.  She was see-through and the color green that you see painted on school cinder block walls, kind of like the glow in the dark green on watches.  She got up, turned and walked into the wall that was the stairway to the basement.  That was it, I bolted out of the front door and down the street toward my friend Carrie's house.  My poor brother was left there alone!  Never saw her again.  We lived there a few years.  The trains that went by right behind the home woke my father up several times a night in terror.  Apparently it reminded him of the bomb raids of WW2 he had experienced in Italy as a child.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee Urgently Needs Support

Fundraiser:  Free Leonard Peltier-Help the LPDC - Please:

ILPDC Newsletter
there is HOPE

The International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee has launched an urgent appeal for funds to support legal efforts to free this Native political prisoner, who has been held in U.S. dungeons for  45 years. 

Peltier is a leader of the American Indian Movement, who was framed and jailed for the 1975 deaths of two FBI agents who had invaded the Jumping Bull compound on Pine Ridge Reservation and started a shootout at dawn, over a warrant for alleged theft of a pair of cowboy boots. ( FBI intervention had increased following the 1973 AIM-led occupation of the town of Wounded Knee, site of the 1890 U.S. 7th Cavalry’s massacre of Big Foot’s Band of 300 Lakota, who were starving and struggling in blizzard conditions to reach the new reservation and surrender.

The ILPDC strategy is three-pronged. First, at Peltier’s request, lawyers will be working to get him transferred closer to his family on the Turtle Mountain Reservation in North Dakota. Second, his legal team will continue to work on a possible parole hearing for early summer. Third, the attorney in Peltier’s first-amendment case in Seattle, Wash., is prepared for trial this summer.

Despite strong support by former U.S. Attorney James Reynolds, 55 members of Congress and international dignitaries including Bishop Desmond Tutu, the U.S. government refuses to release Peltier, whose health is rapidly failing after more than four decades of incarceration.

To make a donation to Peltier’s legal effort and to support his campaign for freedom, please go to the ILPDC Facebook Page (  and to the fundraiser. ( This is the year to free Leonard Peltier!

Tuesday, April 6, 2021


to the tune of B.B. King - Lucille











bedtime story

May 21, 2014

DreamDream ♬ ♪ ∞

♥ ☄ ☮ ★ Have a dream. Insanity ends. The nightmare is over.

♥ ☄ ☮ ★ Peace. war on humanity and the planet, will never exist again. Greed=parasitic evil and exploitation forever ceases to exist ♬ ♪ ∞ - is sucked into our beloved galaxy's celestial black hole.

♥ ☄ ☮ ★ Chemtrails in the skeye cease. The air and the skeye are clear of those toxic deadly chemicals they used to spray in lines and dumps across the skeye. Weather is normalised. The soil is on a path to healing.

♥ ☄ ☮ ★ Peace. War ceases. All soldiers are employed in projects rebuilding and caring for the planet and all its inhabitants. They don't have to hurt others or kill or maim ever again. No more suffering. They don't have to sacrifice their lives or become injured for life. If they have loved ones they are not separated from them.

♥ ☄ ☮ ★ Medicine and pharmaceuticals, like all industry, are not-for-profit and true cures for all disease became mainstream and available to all.

♥ ☄ ☮ ★ Fracking is banned, and the destruction of our underground water caused by fracking is ceased. Oil and gas use for energy is obsolete. No more toxic energy of any kind, electricity or wireless, or utilities for any profit other than the collective transformation toward a totally sustainable clean energy. Solar, hydro, clean, non-toxic energy are livelihood.

♥ ☄ ☮ ★ Agriculture is sustainably supported, free from government or any other oppression. Government and corporations cease to exist. Prisons and gangs cease. Monsanto and their like transform their evil work to goode, un-doing the damage from Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and all their toxic products, including 'Roundup'.

♥ ☄ ☮ ★ Cars and all transportation are powered by clean energy and accessible by all.

♥ ☄ ☮ ★ All destructive industry ceases, and transform to become useful, sustainable and clean. No more toxic chemicals in the water, in vaccines or any other medicine. No evil mercury amalgam nor other toxic (e.g. root canals) dentistry. Remaining rainforests are protected by all. Food production is a vocation of love and health, largely tied to the home. There is no homelessness. Homes become non-polluting and all existing buildings are converted. The goode ways of olde are coming back. There are no more subjugation of any living being. All has access to a decent life, and people to work that sustain them and their families, their communities, and all fit into a whole, vast kaleidoscope of caring livelihood.

♥ ☄ ☮ ★ Autism births thus cease, those who were affected by it are healing. Life detoxifies. Society is inclusive and caring. No more slavery of any kind. No longer huge gaps in wealth, or vast poverty. No politics. Everyone has what they need for a sustainable life. No one is rich, no one is poor. There is no longer any worry about money. No one lays fallow. Everyone contributes in their own way to the collective goode. Depression and boredom cease to exist.

♥ ☄ ☮ ★ Overpopulation ceases. All People are thoughtful and caring about (the sacred act of) having children, having the resources to bring into the world only those they always truly love and want. Each and every child born have what they need to thrive and make their own way.

♥ ☄ ☮ ★ Free thinking and belief replaces any oppression of the mind or of religion. Whoever has wanted to leave Earth has done so, and Earth is healing. Her oceans, rivers and lakes, marshes. Her crust heals. Earth is no longer exploited, and heals for eternity ♬ ♪ ∞

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Plea for Leonard Peltier

Jai Oni

 A letter from Leonard Peltier 1/20/2021

Leonard Peltier [Tate Wikuwa (Wind Chases the Sun), Gwarthpeeplass (He Leads the People)] MUST BE FREED!!!

Friday, January 8, 2021

Impeach Trump Immediately: Legal Consequences NOW



1/13/2021 The House Impeach Donald Trump

Trump Minions Stealing from the White House
prior to leaving

Platforms take action against Trump after Capitol mob attack

Keep up with all the developments here

New York City cancels all contracts with Trump Organization
January 13, 2021, AARON KATERSKY, ABC News

Kid glove treatment of pro-Trump mob contrasts with strongarm police tactics against Black Lives Matter, activists say
Robert Klemko, Kimberly Kindy, Kim Bellware and Derek Hawkins, The Washington Post
Jan. 6, 2021

RPT - Trump Blackwater Pardons Insult Both Iraqis, US Soldiers - Vietnam Veteran
Sumaira FH, Fri 25th December 2020

Condemning Trump's Pardons for Blackwater Murderers—and Illegal, Unjust, Unending War
"We call on President Trump to pardon real heroes like Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden." by Gerry Condon

Mikie Sherrill Claims Republicans May Have Led ‘Reconnaissance’ Tours of Capitol the Day Before Riots by Jamie Ross

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott Calls for Trump to 'Resign or Be Removed From Office'
Posted By Colin Flanders on Wed, Jan 6, 2021

Vermont Senate Joins House in Call for Trump's Ouster
Posted By Kevin McCallum on Fri, Jan 8, 2021

Middlebury College Rescinds Rudy Giuliani's Honorary Degree
Posted By Matthew Roy on Tue, Jan 12, 2021

Vermont Braces for Armed Protests Leading Up to Inauguration
Posted By Kevin McCallum on Mon, Jan 11, 2021

Republican Lawmakers Call for VTGOP Leaders to Condemn Trump or Resign
Posted By Kevin McCallum on Tue, Jan 12, 2021

Dear Colleague on Next Steps in Protecting Our Democracy

Dear Democratic Colleague,

On this Sunday, as we pray that God will continue to Bless America, I write to inform you of our next actions, which will be made with the great solemnity that this moment requires.

I want to call to your immediate attention the action to be taken tomorrow morning, when Majority Leader Hoyer will request Unanimous Consent to bring up the Raskin resolution.  This resolution calls on the Vice President to convene and mobilize the Cabinet to activate the 25th Amendment to declare the President incapable of executing the duties of his office, after which the Vice President would immediately exercise powers as acting President.  The text of the resolution can be found here.

If we do not receive Unanimous Consent, this legislation is planned to be brought up on the Floor the following day.  We are calling on the Vice President to respond within 24 hours.

Next, we will proceed with bringing impeachment legislation to the Floor.

In protecting our Constitution and our Democracy, we will act with urgency, because this President represents an imminent threat to both.  As the days go by, the horror of the ongoing assault on our democracy perpetrated by this President is intensified and so is the immediate need for action.

I look forward to our Caucus call tomorrow.  I am grateful to all Members for the suggestions, observations and input that you have been sending.  Your views on the 25th Amendment, 14th Amendment Section 3 and impeachment are valued as we continue.  I am answering your communications in chronological order and will do so into the night.

Thank you for your patriotism.


Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House

Demand Impeachment: Incitement of Insurrection
Remove Donald Trump from Office NOW

 "Yesterday’s insurrection at the U.S. Capitol wasn’t just an attack on democracy, it was a scandalous failure of law enforcement.

How was it possible for a mob to just waltz into Congress despite the billions spent on “security” since 9/11?

How were the police so seemingly unprepared for an attack that was planned openly weeks in advance? Where was the massive show of force we’ve come to expect when police are confronted with nonviolent protests against racial injustice, war, and repression?"

-The Intercept, 1/8/2021

How Would the Police Have Reacted if Black People Stormed the Capitol?
“We just got to let them do their thing for now.” Nathalie Baptiste, January 7, 2021, Mother Jones
The response to Black people storming the Capitol likely would have ended in mass bloodshed. 

Storming of the Capitol Was Openly Planned but Ignored by Law Enforcement
January 7, 2021, The Intercept

TWITLER Permanently Banned from Twitter

SEDITION! - A Randy Rainbow Parody
Randy Rainbow
Jan 8, 2021, 261,290 views, 616K subs 1/8

These Monsters Broke the Law, Committed Crimes:  incited this riot - the feckless putsch running amok (Washington D.C. rally).  LEGAL CONSEQUENCES NOW:  

Trump Told Crowd ‘You Will Never Take Back Our Country With Weakness’
As Congress prepared to certify the victory of his successor, President Trump railed against the election and helped set in motion hours of violence.

Rudy Giuliani Speech Transcript at Trump’s Washington, D.C. Rally: Wants ‘Trial by Combat’
Rudy Giuliani gave a speech at Donald Trump’s “Save America” rally on January 6, before Trump protestors stormed the Capitol building in a riot. Giuliani said, “Let’s have trial by combat,” in his speech.

Donald Trump Jr. issues WARNING to Republicans
Jan 6, 2021
how many times did this wen say 'FIGHT' (for trump)?????? (i could not listen to it's voice, had to read the closed caption)

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Ruthless: Rest in Peace Ruth Bader Ginsburg

 Trump Mercilessly BOOED At Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Memorial

 First few minutes of video says it all

 "Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!   Vote him OUT!"

 We are now sadly RUTHLESS

Monday, September 7, 2020

The Sun May Have A Long Lost Twin

By Rafi Letzter - Staff Writer 31 August 2020, Live Science

There's a strange sphere of mass at the outer reaches of solar space.

The most distant region of our solar system, a sphere of dark, icy debris out beyond Neptune, is too crowded. All that stuff out there, beyond the reach of the ancient disk of gas and dust that formed the planets, doesn’t match with scientific models of how the solar system formed. Now, a pair of researchers has offered a new take on this far-out mystery: Our sun has a long-lost twin. And the two stars spent their childhoods collecting the passing debris from interstellar space, crowding the outer reaches of the solar system.

We can't see this twin. Wherever it is — if it ever existed — it broke away from its orbit with our sun eons ago. The two stars would have circled the Milky Way well over a dozen times since then, and may have ended up in totally different regions of space. But a record of that lost twin's influence on our solar system may remain in our Oort cloud — a mysterious neighborhood of comets and space rocks at the outer bounds of our sun's influence.

The Oort cloud is a strange place. Unlike the planets and asteroids of the inner solar system, which lie on a single flat disk around the sun, it forms a hollow sphere of debris encircling the solar system in every direction. Compared to the inner planets, these distant drifters experience very little of the sun's gravity, and could easily be nudged out of their orbits and into interstellar space. The most distant objects in that sphere are barely linked to our sun at all, drifting along 100,000 times farther away from the sun than Earth.

"That's actually halfway to the nearest star, Alpha Centauri," said study co-author Avi Loeb, a Harvard astrophysicist. "If Alpha Centauri also has an Oort cloud, if all the stars have Oort clouds, then they're all touching each other like billiard balls and space is filled with them."

Our Oort cloud is less crowded with large objects than is the inner solar system. Fly through it in a spaceship and you're unlikely to encounter anything at all. But it still hosts far more stuff than it should, Loeb said. Probably about 100 billion individual objects, mostly chunks of rock and ice, reside in the cloud. We can't see them directly, but there's plenty of evidence for them: the comets that plunge into the inner solar system from the Oort cloud at regular intervals.

There's some evidence for even bigger things in the Oort cloud. For a few years now, scientists looking at the known objects beyond Neptune cluster have suggested that there may be an unknown planet out there tugging them into formation. This Planet 9 would be up to 10 times heavier than Earth, though it has yet to be seen. All that mass far beyond Neptune causes problems for astronomers, Loeb said. So does the fact that the Oort cloud forms a sphere, when all the planets and asteroids in the inner solar system seem to have formed from one flat disk of dust and gas.

"The question is: How did it come to exist?" Loeb told Live Science. "The popular view is that maybe they were scattered from the disk that made the planets."

An illustration shows that the Oort cloud is by far the most vast part of our solar system, extending far beyond the ring of inner planets and asteroids. (Image credit: NASA/JPL)

There are some objects in the cloud that clearly came from the inner solar system, Loeb said. But the large objects in this thick "scattered disk" only make up a fraction — about 1/50th — of the total count of large objects orbiting beyond Neptune. And simulations of Oort cloud formation that have all the objects coming from the inner solar system suggest it should have somewhere between one-third and one-tenth the number of large objects it seems to hold.

"You cannot easily explain the large number of Oort cloud objects this way," Loeb said.

And if you assume there's a big planet orbiting out there, the crowded Oort cloud gets even more difficult to explain.

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In this case, together with his frequent collaborator, Harvard undergraduate Amir Siraj, Loeb suggested that the sun may have worked together with a lost twin to capture passing objects from deep space.

The theory goes like this: Astronomers already agree that the sun, like most stars, likely formed in a tight cluster with many other stars in a galactic pocket of dust and gas. That stellar nursery was probably full of rogue objects — interstellar comets and maybe heavier things like planets. But on its own, the sun's gravity probably wasn't strong enough to pull so many of those objects into Oort orbits.

But what if the sun and another star orbited around each other? Throw this binary companion into the mix, and the calculation changes. Assuming the two stars were about the same size, and orbited each other at 1,000 times the distance between Earth and the sun (about 1.5% of a light-year), their collective gravity could have snagged bits of rock and ice from the interstellar medium. By the time the sun and its twin drifted apart — their orbits likely broken by a close encounter with a third star — each would have been shrouded in an Oort cloud far thicker than what the sun and its twin would have captured on its own.

There are a few nice things about this theory, Loeb said. It neatly explains not only the number of objects in the Oort cloud but its shape. Objects snagged at random from deep space would have formed a sphere around the sun like we see, not a disk.

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"The beautiful thing is we can test it," he said.

If Loeb and Siraj are correct, then astronomers have likely underestimated the number of truly huge objects in the Oort cloud. With a binary companion, the sun should have captured not just the still-hypothetical Planet 9 from its birth cluster, but plenty of dwarf planets — objects like Ceres and Pluto from the inner solar system — that would still orbit in that far-distant part of space.

Right now, there's no evidence for those dwarf planets. But the dim and distant Oort cloud is still so poorly understood that their absence in the data isn't surprising, Loeb said.

And the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), due for completion in Chile in 2021, will scan the sky in unprecedented detail for just these sort of dim, far-away objects, Loeb said. If the LSST's first long scan of space reveals Planet 9 and a large population of additional dwarf planets in the Oort cloud that will strongly suggest our solar system once had a twin, he said.

Wherever that stellar twin ended up, if it existed, we'll never find it again, Loeb said. Everything in the Milky Way has been stirred around too many times since the dissolution of our sun's original birth cluster, 4.5 billion years ago. But we can imagine what it would have looked like: not a second sun, because even when the stars were twinned they were still distant from one another. Instead it might have seemed like a too-bright planet, moving very slowly across the sky.

Originally published on Live Science.

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