Peace - Nothing Else Makes Sense and Justice - Nothing Else Matters

Peace - Nothing Else Makes Sense and Justice - Nothing Else Matters
Dilution is NOT the solution to radioactive pollution: THAT is delusion. NO and NO.KNOW.NO! NUKES PLEASE: Drawing light on the Beauty of Diversity ~ Taking every last and first thing literally figurativelly through the eyes of MzDiagnosed Autism Spectrum erroneously viciously forced by lockdown that 70s style to take the Deadly Rx T-Rex thus given the Manic Depressive Bipolar it's a syndrome folks no joke. Seaing everything personally symbolically synchronicitealeafly...and No More Freaking Frack Freaks!!! ∃volv∃ is Lov∃ Spwelled Backwards

Dane Wigington

Open Comment to Dane Wigington and Esteemed Tribe 3/3/2019

This is also comment 'submitted' on your esteemed website, Geoengineering Watch Dot Org.
Greetings all.  Is not Much of the die offs of blessed marine life washing up in California also caused by the ongoing massacre that is the Fukushima nuclear plant cover up?

Greetings Dane, and thank you and yours for the work you all do.  If you get this message, may I please ask of you and/or of one of your tribe.  Could one of the 'reasons' that they are doing this to us, be the Nibiru/Wormwood/Planet X phenomenon?  I would not think of asking you to research one more thing or change your programming.  But I ask of you to please for a moment, think back to the esteemed Astronomer Robert Harrington who in 1993 was just about to publish his findings on his Planet X theories (he believed our sun does in fact have a binary twin)

If Harrington's theory and findings were in fact onto the truth, (and many believe this man's death and the timing was just too suspicious, as his findings could not be published after he had died?) could one of the (in my humble opinion 'murderous) reasonings or rationals for our brothers and sisters in the military to be controlled by the control structure to obfuscate, humanities ability to see/feel/hear the actual astronomical event that many believe evidenced by the magnetic polar migrations in recent history?  And other evidence gathered by people on the ground taking photos of their views of the sky including sun anomalies and views of what looks like major cosmic anomalies appearing to be slowly but surely escalating?

Your dedication, research and body of work is more appreciated that we all could ever hope to know.  Sorry for my too many words here, it is an effort for me these days to express respectfully when appropriate and necessary.  Please.  Hang tough you and all good and well-intentioned for all people, all of us, one and all, for every last one of us is loved by the universe if we only open our hearts and minds to this fact and practice this cognitive adaptation during this unacceptable crisis, our own Earth's crustal demise. 

Karma?  All we believe manifests.  The evil that is perpetrating this attempted all life on earth's crust/humanicide, will in fact, backfire on THEM.  Our souls are eternal and so is our Universal Love.

Please take heart in the resilience of the human spirit, and the fact that love will and always conquers all.  Please feel free incorporate one or any of my words if they resonate.

lovely San Fransiscan artists'
Otter drawing, beloved, from the


Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis, Wormwood, Dark Star Mystery
Friday, October 13, 2017


Cracked Code
Monday, January 14, 2019
The World?  Oh, you mean Mother Earth and her Wormwood Planet X.